The CCAC being all strip-mined property has left us with several nice lakes. All of which have been stocked at one time or another. It is an old wives tale that fish are brought in on the feet of ducks and geese and other waterfowl.
In the last 50 years most of the fish have been purchased from dealers, however, before that many fish had been taken from local rivers and streams and released to reproduce.
The raising of fish was practiced many years ago with trout being the main species. Then it seemed more cost effective to purchase a broader range of fish species to release into the club waters. These included walleye, perch, crappies, various species of sunfish, catfish, large mouth and small mouth bass, northern pike, hybrid muskie, rock bass and trout.
Fishing Derbies are held throughout the year for all children 14 years and younger for all Club members. Catfish will be stocked and prizes will be awarded to all participants. Hot dogs, chips and pop will be served after the derby.
Please register your fish at the mailbox by the guard station. Failure to do so is against Club rule - page 9, Fishing, General Boating and Docks Article III, rule #10. There will be spot checks this year by the manager and board members – rule #2. So please know your rules and regulations.